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Trevor Hall



Trevor Hall is Co-Chair of the Firm’s Special Education Practice Group. Trevor advises public school districts across Texas on compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Trevor draws upon over 22 years of litigation experience to represent school districts in due process hearings before the State Office of Administrative Hearings, as well as federal district and appellate courts. Trevor regularly represents clients before the Texas Education Agency and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.

Trevor also advises clients in the areas of governance, school board policies, employment, open meetings, public information, and general school matters.

Prior to joining Powell Law Group, Trevor was an attorney with one of the largest commercial law firms in the southwestern United States and operated his own law firm.

Trevor is married to his college sweetheart, Stacey, who is an educational diagnostician at Lake Travis ISD. Trevor is a part owner (one share of stock!) of the Green Bay Packers, and he passionately follows the 2023 World Series Champion Texas Rangers.


Oklahoma City University, J.D., magna cum laude (#6 in class), 2002

West Texas A&M University, B.A. – Political Science, 1998

Licenses and Bar Activities

  • State Bar of Texas, 2002
  • U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Districts of Texas
  • U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Membership & Service

  • State Bar of Texas – School Law Section
  • Texas Education Agency Registered Provider #2022-6-9-RP-9483
  • Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE)
  • Texas Association of School Boards – Council of School Attorneys